Tuesday, April 30, 2013

30 April - Important Printing....

Well, I didnt print it, but this was a very important document that I needed for our trip to Hobart.

Quickest way to get it on my phone to take with me, of course was a photo.

It also happens to be the only photo I took today!

But due to the confidential nature of the document, I decorated it nicely :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

29 April - Rainbow Dashy part 2

Rainbow Dash got fully decorated today, including wrap around play doh socks and scarves!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

28 April - Crossing Planes

Tonight Grace noticed the cross patterns in the sky from planes and I thought they looked pretty cool.
On a typically clear Canberra day, there were quite a few of them!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

27 April - Rainbow Dashy

Tonight I got the bargain of the century when I found a Rainbow Dash My Little Pony at Woolies and it wasn't on their system.
Grace will surely love it since she is so mad keen on Unicorns and My Little Pony at the moment.

Friday, April 26, 2013

26 April - Swanning About

Grace and I went for a walk around Lake Jerrabomberra this afternoon to feed the ducks from the little jetty.
Unfortunately, there was a very eager Swan that ended up biting Grace on the finger while trying to steal some bread.
So we left, and went to the playground instead.
It always amazes me how much fun she has on a slide. If only life at nearly 40 was still so simple...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

25 April - Papa Got a Brand New Bag

Well. Not quite... and certainly not purple.
But for some reason today while I was with Grace and looking at new luggage, she asked me to take a photo of the pink bag for her.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

24 April - Milk..... in Milk? Really?

I was highly amused when I noticed the allergy warning on a carton of milk...
Who would have thought you would find THAT in there?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

23 April - Android Awesome... again

A couple of weeks ago I posted about the awesome battery life on my android tablet.
Well, thanks to a new firmware, but more so, thanks to a great app I found that cancels background tasks for chosen apps to reduce the activity while the phone is idle, I now have awesome battery life on my phone as well.
God I love Android.

Monday, April 22, 2013

22 April - Walking the Dog

Tonight after work Grace and I took Baxter to the oval for a run.
The only problem was, Grace decided she must be a puppy as well, and kept stealing his Frisbee!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

21 April - Not scared of Snakes

Today Grace and I went to the Canberra Reptile Zoo.

We were pretty lucky that we had a young staff member attach himself to us, so we basically got a guided tour, which meant Grace got to hold, touch and pat just about every animal there, including the turtles that the boy got out of the tank just for her.

When we walked into a room with a very large python on a tree branch, she was definitely not scared, and asked to get up to it.

As soon as I put her up near it, she wanted to see its head, and nearly hit the snakes body with her own head to find it!

After the Reptile Zoo we found a good little playground where Grace was fascinated by looking through the binoculars there.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

20 April - Being a Tree

To get Grace to stand still while getting dressed I usually ask her to stand still like a statue.
But tonight she said she would be a tree, and this is what we got.
Grade 6 drama teachers around the country would be proud.

Friday, April 19, 2013

19 April - Cat

This appears to be the only photo I took today.

Its not arty, not terribly interesting at all.

Its just a cat!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

18 April - Not a thing

No photo today.

I didn't take one.
I cant possibly think of one I could use from anywhere.
I didn't do anything interesting obviously.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

17 April - Onesies

At Target today and what should I see in the men's clothing section? An adult onesie!

Ever since we had Grace I said they looked so comfortable for a baby, why wouldn't adults wear them?

Seems somebody was listening to me, and the whole time I  thought everybody was just laughing at me. Apparently not.

16 April - The Extreme costs....

I have been buying and drinking Lucozade regularly lately, but only today did I notice the price per litre!!!

My God, next time someone complains about the cost of Milk, Fuel, Soft Drinks, or just about anything else that is measured in litres, I'm just going to point out the cost of Lucozade.

As in - "oh your car cost $95 to fill up with fuel? Stop whining, imagine if it ran on Lucozade?"

15 April - Healthy Eating

I love that, at nearly 40, I can still have ice cream and Easter eggs for dinner without feeling like an invalid that can only slurp down soft icecream!!!

But I'm sure that situation won't be too far away. Not that I'm really dreading it. What is  better than ice cream to live on to see out my old age?

It was delicious by the way!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

14 April - Dinosaur Huntin'

Since last weekend, I had promised Grace I would take her to the Dinosaur Museum this weekend.

So today was the day.

Amazingly, despite how small and very very average the place is, we still managed to spend over 2 hours there, looking at Dinosaurs, Fossicking for Fossils, checking out the Gift Shop, doing puzzles and generally anything else Dinosaur related.

The pic was as we were leaving, Grace had to sit and show the other Brachiosauruses her new toy one, and introduce them to each other, since they were all 'Best friends'.

13 April - Under the Dome

Its been a long, long time since I last read a novel, and I just couldn't get into the ones Leah was recommending for me, so I took the plunge and downloaded my first ever eBook -  "Under the Dome" by Stephen King.

Stephen King has long been one of my favourite authors, and this looked like a good start to his newer books, considering I haven't read a Stephen King book in over a decade at least!

And now, after having read only the first few chapters of a massive Epic Novel of 800+ pages, I discover its being made into a 13 part TV series!!!

I will probably get to see the TV show before I finish the novel!

12 April - Shades of Grey.....

The latest firmware updates on my phone now means i can change so many color options, including some of the icons.

So I've gone with a shades of grey and blue theme.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

11 April - Yessir, Shes my Baby

Tonight after work, Grace decided that she was going to be a baby again, for a little while at least.

So she got herself wrapped up in her blanky, and cuddled up to Leah.

And of course, as soon as Leah had to get up, she had to be passed carefully to me for a cuddle.

While it was nice to have a cuddle, and brought back memories that seem so long ago, it didnt last too long, and the novelty would quickly wear off after passing a 13kg baby around for a day!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 April - Another Park

Leah found another awesome looking park today, so after work Grace and I went to check it out.

It was definitely impressive. Grace had a great time playing, although a decent amount of it was pretending to buy things from the 'shop keeper'.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

9 April - Searching for Rubbish

Late afternoon is a great time to lay some grass seeds at this time of year.

Well, at least, we think it is.

Grace is more keen on helping tidy the front yard, to make sure it looks good, and there is no rubbish laying around.
This afternoon, she had to take a slightly higher viewpoint to search for Rubbish to put in the bin!

8 April - The Cramps

After listening to a few songs from the great Tasmanian Band 'The Sin & Tonics', it revived my love for cool, rockabilly music with a slightly different slant, AKA 'Psychobilly'.

So i set about putting all of the songs by a band that many years ago (ok, MANY MANY MANY years ago) I absolutely loved - THE CRAMPS!

Such great music for the treadmill, and who could forget such classics as 'Can your Pussy Do the Dog', 'Dont eat stuff off the sidewalk' and of course 'Daisys Up your Butterfly'


Sunday, April 7, 2013

7 April - Late Night Dinosaur Watching

Well, not really late night, but with the first day of non-daylight savings, it certainly felt late at 6pm. And dark.

But after an interesting day with Grace wanting to go to the Dinosaur Museum, we did eventually take her as reward this afternoon.

Grace loved the dinosaurs outside, and was happy to pose for a publicity shot!

6 April - Tip Shop Treasures.

A quick trip to the tip today to offload a ute load of polystyrene (which clearly means we buy too many big items) and we had to check out the recycle shop there.

As Leah once said, Grace loves it there, and doesn't realize its all just shit!

And no, there was no way she was leaving the house wearing anything other than her new turtle pyjamas.

5 April - Graces Faces 2

While in the bath tonight Grace asked me to take her photo, to then pull faces and tell me her emotions.

Funny kid she is...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

4 April - Android Awesome...

For a while, Leah was using my Asus Android tablet during the day, before we bought an iPad mini.

Her biggest complaint about it? Battery life.

Apparently it just was flat all the time, even when it didn't get used.

I guess it only got picked up every two weeks, as i noticed tonight, it has been sitting in the kitchen turned on, and still has 16% battery.
A quick check shows it has been running like this for close to 13 days since the last charge.

Yep, I DID just say days....

3 April - Dancer...

Grace really does think she is a dancer at the moment.

She has literately worn this outfit for days now, and even has convinced me to be the male dance partner, to perform the lifts!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2 April - More Drugs

As seems to be my life at the moment, I have arrived home from Melbourne with yet another sinus infection...

So more antibiotics.......

Thankfully, my friendly chemist doesn't mind filing 6 month old prescription repeats, so at least I don't have to visit the doctor every time.

1 April - Home Again

Back home after our Melbourne break, and i admit, my photos are both from yesterday, since  I haven't taken any today.

Grace got a coloring turtle at the airport on the way home, and then was very excited once we got home to find Easter Bunny had left her a Jessie doll and some miniature dinosaurs.